Born to Be Hanged: Political Biography of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto by Syeda Saiyidain Hameed is a captivating exploration of the life and career of one of Pakistan's most influential leaders....
Jamsheed Marker, a prominent diplomat and Pakistan's former ambassador to the United States, holds a nuanced perspective on leadership in Pakistan, shaped by his extensive diplomatic career. His insights highlight...
In "Legal System of Pakistan," Imran Ahsan Khan Nyazee provides an in-depth exploration of the country's legal framework, highlighting its historical foundations, structure, and key components. The book meticulously outlines...
Pakistan At Seventy by Shahid Javed Burki, Iftekhar Ahmed, and Ch Asad Ejaz Butt offers a reflective analysis of Pakistan’s socio-economic and political journey over seventy years. The book delves...
Pakistan: A Personal History by Imran Khan (Author)Available In:A Quality And A + Quality"Pakistan: A Personal History" by Imran Khan is an autobiographical account that offers a unique perspective on...